Marketing is the engine that keeps your business moving forward. Yes, your success is reliant upon your craft, your passion, and your talented team, yet without a clear and actionable marketing strategy in place, no one will know how awesome you are! Our marketing module covers just about every point where your clients and your salon collide and lays the foundation for a killer marketing strategy.
Reach out now to schedule a free consultation.
Are you putting your best foot forward at the salon? It’s when your clients are in your salon that you have the best opportunity to market new products and services to them. The possibilities are endless–we are here to help.
What does your online profile say about you? Your online presence is of the utmost importance in this digital age and your personality should shine through. We’ll make sure the public you is the best you.
Word of mouth
Nothing promotes your business like a sterling recommendation from a client. We will help you build a word of mouth campaign, harness it, and leverage it. (And we can also counsel you on what to do when it goes the other way. Because that can happen. And you should be prepared.)
How do you grow your repeat business? Programs and campaigns can be designed to bring clients back via rewards or discounts. Similarly, your staff can be challenged and motivated to grow their clientele or their retail sales. We will show you how to leverage both ideas and grow your client base, loyalty, and revenue.
Photo shoots
You know the expression: a picture is worth a thousand words. It’s true. And a good photo shoot of your work is worth its weight in gold. We will show you how, when, and why to do them. And what to do with the photos once you have them…
Industry competitions
Always wish you had the time/energy/skill/budget to participate in competitions? Competitions are expensive and time consuming and exhausting. But those salons that are killing it? They’re in a competition every chance they get. Because they are time well spent. We’ll help you find the competition that’s right for you and help you prepare your staff for it.
Is your retail performing as it should be? Retail can be a cash cow, a horn of plenty. If it’s not, you’re not doing it right. Let’s take a hard look at your retail and make it work hard for you. Is it the product? The staff? There are about six questions tied into those two—we’ll look at them all.