Whether you want your salon to stay small and quaint or grow into a multi-location powerhouse, having the right people behind you is critical. And we’re not just talking about great stylists.
In this module, we’ll help you hone your ability to identify and attract the right professionals to help carry out your vision, inside and outside the salon.
Reach out now to schedule a free consultation.
Career path
Do you offer your team opportunities to grow and learn new aspects of the business? Is there a way to build a career in your salon? We’ll help you craft a path for those employees who have the burning desire to learn and advance, and inspire the rest of the team, along the way.
One on one
One of the most valuable tools in an owner’s toolbox is the power of the one-on-one. Whether you’re teaching or advising, listening or consulting, spending individual and structured time with your employees may just be the single most important investment you can make in them. We’ll show you the benefits of it, and some of the best ways to consistently engage your employees.
Goal setting
People simply respond better with a goal, a deadline, and a reward. All people! They also have unique abilities, expectations and circumstances. We’ll walk you through the steps of positive, attainable, individual goal setting so you can get the most out of your team.
Contests are meant to bring out the competitive spirit in all of us. They are intertwined with ‘goal setting’, and when done correctly, contests can be fun and incredibly beneficial to building your team and growing your salon.
Photo shoots
Never pass up the chance to capture your work and your success on film. There will always be a need for a portfolio shot down the road. But in a photo shoot, everything must be carefully planned and executed before the camera starts clicking. We’ll share tips on how to make the most of your photo shoots—and of your photography.
Mentoring (business and marketing)
Having a mentor that inspires us and helps us grow can be one of the most profoundly rewarding experiences in life. This unit focuses on structuring a mentoring program that will engage and benefit not only your team, but you, as well!
You need more people to keep up with the business? This is great news. We’ll help you analyze the skill sets you currently have and where you might need to add personnel. Hint: It doesn’t always mean you have to hire new employees!
Team building
The more invested in your salon that your team feels, the better they’ll perform. We’ll help you uncover ways to articulate just how important their contribution is to the good of the business, as well as ways to have them connect and engage with each other, and have each other’s backs.
Nothing will increase performance and loyalty like positive reinforcement. We can design recognition programs and policies with you that are motivating and success driven. A win-win.
Your brand is probably at the top of the list of things to hammer down early on. It will drive everything else. While you can evolve your brand with your business, it is important to try to get it right from the get-go.
Obviously, happy and productive people are necessary and critical to your growth, but, gosh!, the hiring and training process takes so much time! We’ll help you design hiring practices and policies that will streamline this process for you, and help you find the men and women who will be the best fit for your organization.
Discipline and accountability can be very challenging, but they are a critical part of any successful business. Everyone is best served when they understand what is expected of them and how their success will be measured. We will help you articulate where your boundaries are and the consequences for crossing them.
Leadership/creating leaders
Do you have a committed employee who shows a burning desire to help the company? Someone who’s exceptionally trustworthy, can anticipate the next step, and displays other superhuman qualities? JUMP ON THAT. You want them to stick around and they need to know there are clear opportunities for them if they do. We will work with you to design a track to keep and grow that kind of talent.